Epic Events to get Beyond your usual way of thinking
Upcoming Events
BITS of confusion
Foundational questions and confusions in theoretical physics.
Standard approaches to physics are often taken for granted.
We aim to come out more confused than we started.
An in-person conference at an inspiring locale.
BITS of clarity
An online conference to build community among theoretical scientists leveraging the physics of information to blaze beyond worn paradigms.
3rd Conference on Crackpot Science (Online)
Here's your chance to let it all loose. Your ego is not at stake. Pitch us your craziest ideas. What if ____?!

BITS CommuniTea
Digital coffee.
A regular meetup to say hi, chat science, and laugh.
Join our mailing list for access.
BITS of curiosity
Inviting all science-curious guests to an expert-panel discussion on the topic of the month. Bring your questions. Expand your curiosity.

Have a cool venue?
If you have a cool venue and like the idea of hosting a bunch of scientists as they brainstorm and question the basis of reality, then reach out! We would love to discuss! And no worries: we have a team that can put the actual event together.